Space Quest

VR interstellar adventure game
Showreel Video
Showreel Video
Space Quest
VR Game

VR interstellar adventure game

Overview )

"Space Quest" is a virtual reality game designed to transport players to a distant, mysterious planet through an immersive first-person experience. The primary goal is to navigate through a series of challenging environments that test the player's sensory perception and problem-solving skills. The game’s ultimate objective is for the player to repair their spaceship and successfully depart from the planet, navigating through varied landscapes and interactive puzzles along the way.

"Space Quest" explores themes of isolation and resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges. The stranded astronaut symbolizes the human spirit's tenacity and ingenuity, drawing parallels to the journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Additionally, the game explores interspecies communication and cooperation, suggesting a broader message about the potential for mutual understanding and assistance between vastly different beings. This reflects on broader societal themes about the importance of empathy and collaboration in overcoming obstacles and achieving common goals.

Production )

The production began with an initial brainstorming session involving VR and Sound Art students, where the team identified and combined their strengths and interests to outline the primary game concept: a linear narrative about a spaceship crash-landing on an unknown planet. Inspiration for the game's environments and scenarios was drawn from popular culture sources like "Avatar," "Indiana Jones," and the series "Love, Death & Robots."

Detailed storyboarding was created for each scene—Space Explore, Planet Explore, and Tunnel Explore—defining the key events and interactions that occur throughout the game.The design team established the look and feel of various game environments, incorporating elements such as bioluminescent flora and unique alien creatures, which players can interact with to progress in the game.

The Visual Group was responsible for creating the 3D models, textures, and immersive environments that define the visual style of the game. The Sound Group developed the auditory elements of the game, including background music and sound effects that enhance the immersive experience and provide cues within the game.

Programmers developed the game mechanics, such as vehicle controls for spaceship navigation, snap turn, smooth locomotion, and interactive puzzles. These elements were crucial for ensuring a smooth player experience in VR. The team integrated interactive elements within the Unity game engine, linking visual and audio assets with game mechanics to create a seamless flow between different game scenes.

 Challenges )

Ensuring seamless integration of high-quality visual and audio elements in a VR environment can be difficult, particularly when aiming for real-time performance without latency or loss of fidelity. As solution, The team utilized advanced development tools within the Unity platform and conducted regular integration tests to optimize performance. Close collaboration between the visual and sound teams ensured that both elements enhanced each other, rather than competing for resources.

Balancing the difficulty of puzzles to cater to a broad audience, ensuring they are challenging enough to be engaging but not so hard as to be frustrating. As solution, the development team used a tiered approach to puzzle design, offering multiple hints and adjustable difficulty levels. Feedback from playtesting sessions was crucial in adjusting puzzles to hit the right balance.

Team Members

Miranda Silverman & Shihui Doris He - overall visual design

Miranda Silverman & Shihui Doris He - 3D modeling

Miranda Silverman & Shihui Doris He - Interaction design & Programing

Vlad Popescu & Sephora Pietrzak & Rose Vargas & Dean Powell - Sound Design

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VR Game
Interstellar Adventure
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